Over some beers earlier this week, following another disastrous footballing defeat, this time at the hands of the mini Maradonas I like to call Fishburn Hedges, I sat with Tim Hoang and Ben Matthews and we decided it was time to take Team Twitter to the next level...a level that didn't involve panting, sweating and deep feeling inadequacy....and so over a couple pints of Peroni, Harvest Twestival was born!
The Harvest Twestival is a Tweetup with a difference.
Wouldn't it be nice to actually meet all those people you so often tweet with but sometimes havent actually had the chance to share a drink with and would that be even better if we could end the night shouting our hearts out to Bon Jovi (well I hear that's Tim's favourite)
As well as meeting the faces behind the avatars (and checking out whether they really are as good looking as their online appearances), there'll be plenty of songs to be sung with karaoke classics and while your at it do some good for the world (kind of like Band Aid but without Bob Geldof)
In the spirit of our schooling days, we'll be holding a food drive, where everyone's invited to bring a few cans of food, dug out from the back of dusty food cupboards, which we will be donating to a central London soup kitchen. It is hoped that this nostalgia trip will also be a way for the Twittersphere to help those in need.
There'll also be an announcement of a new project that will use the PR community to help charities non-profits and social enterprises, of which more details will be released closer to the time.
It all promises to be a fun evening, a chance to meet up with old friends and meet some new ones, all while doing a little bit to help those who are less fortunate.
Once we've sorted a venue and sponsors for a bit of beer money, we'll also set up an event invite on here.
In the meantime, get practicing on your singing voice, dig out a few cans of food, and we'll see you on the 25th!
Harvest Twestival
Date: 25 September 2008
Venue: TBA, but in the Oxford Circus/Soho area
FB Group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=78175635192
1 comment:
I'm sure I'll be panting, sweating and have a deep feeling inadequacy after my karaoke performances!
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